Excel Basics

Toolbar Buttons

Toolbars are designed to help users.  They are generally located at the top of the program window, under the menu bar, although they are movable. 

We access toolbar buttons using the mouse, by pointing to one of the available choices and clicking the left mouse button.  It is usually a good idea to know what each button means.  When you point to a button and let the arrow rest on it for a second or two a short pop up description will appear.

It should be noted, that you can turn toolbars on and off.  New users often turn them off without realizing it.  If your toolbar has disappeared, point to the area located just below the menu bar, tap your right mouse button and choose the desired toolbar from the list provided.


Although you can customize all toolbars, the following are the buttons available on the Standard Toolbar.

Menu location
Starts a new document using the default settings
File, New
Opens the "New" dialog box
New document. Open a blank piece of paper using the default settings or choose a predefined template.

CTRL O File, Open Open an existing document(s). All three options will open the "Open" dialog box. 
CTRL S File, Save Save the current file. When the document is new, the "Save as" dialog box will open, requesting a filename be assigned.
The full document will print
File, Print Print function. Each access method will cause the program to react differently. 
  File, Print Preview Print Preview - Gives the user a visual representation of what the file will look like in a printed form. 

CTRL X Edit, Cut Cut - Removes the contents of a selection (text, object) and places them in the clipboard. 
CTRL C Edit, Copy Copy - Copies the contents of a selection (text, object) and places them in the clipboard.
CTRL V Edit, Paste Paste - Places the contents of the clipboard where ever the cursor is placed.
CTRL+SHIFT+C Copy formats 
CTRL+SHIFT+V Paste formats 
Format Painter, copies the format of a word, selected text, an entire paragraph, graphics boxes, tables, and cells within tables.
CTRL Z Edit, Undo Undo - Reverses the last action(s) 
 CTRL Y Edit, Redo Redo - Reverse the last undo
  Insert, Hyper link Hyperlink - inserts a hyperlink, such as a URL into the current document.
    Activates the Web Toolbar
    The AutoSum function will insert the Sum formula and try to choose the range for you. 
  Table, Insert Table Creates a table using a drag action.
  View, Zoom Increase/decrease the magnification of your document. 
  Help When you choose this button, the office assistant will open and ask you for the question you need help with.






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