Frequently Asked Questions, Reply 7

Computer Basics

Answer to FAQ

The easy way is to click Start, Run, enter msconfig and click on OK.
Choose the Startup tab, and uncheck unwanted startup programs... You will have to restart Windows.  You can turn them back on by reversing the process.  Any program that you turn off will be filed  under the Start, Programs, Disabled Startup Items…
You may also want to use msconfig to turn-off 'load=' and 'run=' programs in win.ini and any undesired executables in the DOS autoexec.bat file
Another option, and one which will also free-up disk space, is to permanently uninstall unwanted Startup programs with uninstall program found under the Start, Settings, Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs. 

You should not attempt to uninstall programs by simply deleting files and folders with the Windows Explorer.  That leaves registry entries behind and can cause all sorts of problems. 

Windows 98/Me/Vista/XP.7 will normally run the following programs on most computers plus any virus protection or firewall programs that you have loaded..:

  • ScanRegistry
  • TaskMonitor
  • SystemTray
  • LoadPowerProfile
Hope this helps.



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