My Perfect Planner

Shopping List

Don't you just hate making shopping lists?  We think this will help. 

A shopping list can be produced by scrolling down, and putting checkmarks beside the items you want.

Or, you can start typing the item's name.  When the right name appears, tap the 'Enter' key.   You will be take to the item and can change the quantity, brand, or where to purchase.

 As you choose your items, the list on the right grows.  To remove an item from the list, remove the checkmark beside the item.

Slide your mouse over the image to see a simulated shopping list being written 

Create a Shopping List

If you are a bargain hunter and work with your local weekly flyers.  Just by organizing the items that are marked on special, we guarantee you will save a substantial amount of money each time you go shopping..

The Reset button erases the list.

When you are ready, choose the "Print" button to produce a paper copy.  You can also email the list (or part of the list) to someone, choose the "Email" button.
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The Shopping List Organizeris part of a greater program called My Perfect Planner.  
If you do not see a listing of the different aspects of My Perfect Planner on the left side of your screen, 
click here to enter the main page.


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